Newsletter SIS @ Gamuda Gardens – November 2016
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Cambridge Outstanding Learner Awards Singapore International School @ Gamuda Gardens is very proud to announce that two students have received prestigious awards from Cambridge International Examinations for their outstanding performance in the June, 2016 Cambridge examination series. The following students…
Parent Teacher Interviews Parent Teacher Interviews were recently held on October 4 and 5. We had a great turnout of parents with over 80 percent of parents in our school meeting with their child’s teachers. This is so wonderful to…
Gaelic Football Match On October 4, our Gaelic Football team played their first game of the year against Vietnam Australian School (VAS). Competition was fierce and our players, played well, but were narrowly defeated by VAS.
Mid-Autumn Festival 2016-2017 Mid-Autumn Festival was held on September 15 which was a wonderful celebration for the whole school. Our students enjoyed watching Clowns and Magicians performing followed by a traditional Dragon Dance.